
Calculate the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient for given fractional inspired oxygen and measured pCO2 and paO2

Body Surface Area


Validated for estimation of body surface area from extremely low birth weight infants through to children and adults

ET Tubes & Umbilical Catheters
ET Tubes

cm ( + cord )
cm ( + cord )

Estimates optimal insertion length for endotracheal tube and for umbilical catheters (based on infant's weight)

Partial Exchange Transfusion
Partial Exchange


Estimates partial exchange transfusion volume required in the polycythaemic newborn to acheive target hematocrit.

Note that "small for gestational age" status is only required for infants 1.5 to 3.0 kg

Glucose Infusion Rate (GIR)
Glucose Delivery


Intravenous Fluids

Dextrose Rate

Enteral Intake

Select Milk:
(g/100 mL)

Calculator Result

Fluid Volume
Sugar Load
IV 1
IV 2
Added Carbohydrate  

Calculate the glucose infusion rate (in mg/kg/min) taking account of intravenous fluids AND enteral intake of breast milk or infant formula

Fluid & Feeds Rate Calculator
Fluid & Feeds Rates


Calculate the fluid rate per hour or the volume for feeds at 2-hourly through to 4-hourly intervals.

Enter infant weight and daily fluid prescription (in mL/kg/day)

Percentage Weight Loss Calculator
Weight Loss %


Calculate the percentage weight loss from birth weight.

Enter birth weight and current weight in grams.

Low Flow O2
Low Flow O2 Delivery

per min

Finds the approximate effective FiO2 for any given low flow oxygen rate and blender O2 setting

Risk of ECMO use (or death without ECMO use) in CDH
ECMO Risk in CDH


Use this calculator to calculate the risk of an infant with congenital diaphragmatic hernia either requiring ECMO or of dying without ECMO use

Oxygenation Index

cm H2O

Use to calculate the Oxygenation Index. Choose mmHg OR kPa pressure units as preferred.

Altitude Physiology Calculator


Estimate the barometric pressure, the gas expansion ratio and the equivalent FiO2 required at altitude. Choose mmHg OR kPa pressure units as preferred.

Extreme Preterm Outcomes
Preterm Outcomes


Input Variables

In-Hospital Outcomes


Medium Term (3-Year) Outcomes


Estimate outcomes at extreme prematurity based on variables assessed at birth. Data is based on outcomes achieved in Japan for births from 2006 to 2015.

Diaphragmatic Hernia Survival Probability
CDH Survival


Use this calculator to estimate the long-term survival probability for diaphragmatic hernia

Long Lines


Calculates optimal insertion length for lines inserted via great saphenous at the medial malleolus

Nitric Oxide Delivery
NO Delivery


Calculate optimal NO flow rate to reach target NO ppm (in ventilator set-ups with constant ventilator flow)

Dextrose Infusion Preparation
Dextrose Solutions


Dextrose Solution Required


Preparation Instructions

Simple instructions for preparation of dextrose solutions from 5% dextrose through to 30% dextrose.

Select 50, 100, or 500 mL final volume.

Mean Airway Pressure

cm H2O
cm H2O
per min

Base Excess


INSURE Intubation Checklist
Intubation Checklist

First Checks:
Team Talk:

Adrenaline for Neonatal Resuscitation
Adrenaline for Resus


Estimated Weight (grams)

1:10000 via UVC or IV


1:10000 via ETT

Adrenaline (epinephrine) dosing in newborn resuscitation as per ILCOR and ANZCOR Guidelines

Corrected Gestational Age
Corrected GA


When date of birth, and gestation at birth are both known:

Use to calculate the corrected gestational age as of today.

Gestational Age at Birth
Gestation at Birth


When EDD is known:

Use to calculate the Gestational Age at birth and the corrected gestational age as of today.

Apgar Clock & CPR metronome
Apgar Clock Plus


Time Since Birth

Saturation Target

available from 60 seconds

CPR Tempo Assistant

Adjust blender to 100% Oxygen if starting chest compressions

Bilirubin Units Converter
Bilirubin Units


Convert bilirubin value from mg/dL to micromol/L

And from micromol/L to mg/dL

Glucose Units Converter
Glucose Units


Convert glucose value from mg/dL to mmol/L

And from mmol/L to mg/dL

Pressure Units Converter
Pressure Units


Convert pressure value from mmHg to kPa

And from kPa to mmHg

Weight Converter
Weight Converter


Convert weight from pounds and ounces to grams

And from grams to pounds and ounces



Use this calculator to determine the A-a gradient.

Input the current FiO2 (21-100%) and the measured pCO2 and paO2


Calculator Algorithm:
AaDO2 = (7.13 x FiO2) - (pCO2 / 0.8) - (paO2).


No reference information.


This calculator uses the formula of Haycock et al, which has been validated for the whole paediatric and adult population including extremely low birth weight infants.

Input the child's weight (kg) and length (cm).


Surface Area = W 0.5378  x L 0.3964  x 0.024265

The equation has two variables: weight in kg (W) , and length in cm (L).


Haycock GB, Schwartz GJ, Wisotsky DH. Geometric method for measuring body surface area: A height-weight formula validated in infants, children, and adults. J Pediatr 1978;93:62-6

Brion L, Fleischman AR, Schwartz GJ. Evaluation of four length-weight formulas for estimating body surface area in newborn infants. J Pediatr 1985;107:801-3


Enter the infant's weight in kilograms

You must confirm the postion of the endotracheal tube, UAC or UVC after using this calculator

Note that estimation of nasal ETT length now uses the method of Maiwald et al BMJ 2020 which is derived from data from 116 infants


  1. Kempley ST, Moreiras JW, Petrone FL. Endotracheal tube length for neonatal intubation. Resuscitation, Volume 77, Issue 3, 2008, Pages 369-373

  2. Shukla H, Ferrara A. Rapid estimation of insertional length of umbilical catheters in newborns. Am J Dis Child 1986 Aug;140(8):786-8

  3. Wright IM, Owers M, Wagner M. The umbilical arterial catheter: a formula for improved positioning in the very low birth weight infant. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. 9(5):498-501, September 2008.

  4. Maiwald CA, Neuberger P, Mueller-Hansen I, Goelz R, Michel J, Esser M, Engel C, Franz AR, Poets CF. Nasal insertion depths for neonatal intubation. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2020 Nov;105(6):663-665

  5. Lean WL, Dawson JA, Davis PG, Theda C, Thio M. Accuracy of five formulae to determine the insertion length of umbilical venous catheters. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2019 Mar;104(2):F165-F169
  6. Takeuchi S et al. Ideal endotracheal tube insertion depth in neonates with a birthweightless than 750 g. Pediatr Int. 2020 Aug;62(8):932-936


Results in this calculator are derived from the following formulae (all weights in kg):

ET Tube size
Weight < 1kg
Weight 1 - 3 kg
Weight 3 - 5 kg
Weight >5 kg
= 2.5
= 3
= 3.5
= 4
ET Tube length at lips 1
6.632 + (1.822 * ln(Weight))
ET Tube length at nares 4
(45 + 1.15 * sqrt(Weight * 1000))/10 cm
Umbilical catheter size
Weight < 1.5 kg
Weight ≥ 1.5 kg
3.5 Fr
5 Fr
UAC length 2,3
Weight < 1.5 kg Weight x 4 + 7
Weight ≥ 1.5 kg Weight x 2.5 + 9.7
UVC length 5
Weight x 1.5 + 5.5


To estimate optimal partial exchange volume in neonatal polycythaemia.

Enter the infant's weight in kilograms.
Enter growth status - if known.
Enter the infant's current venous haematocrit.

Select the target haematocrit.

The Partial Exchange Volume will be displayed in mL.


The Partial Exchange Transfusion calculator is based on the standard formula:

Total Exchange Volume = Circulating Blood volume x ((Current haematocrit - Desired haematocrit) / Current haematocrit)

A number of studies have attempted to define the true circulating blood volume: we have selected the methodology which appears to have greatest validity for any given weight:

For infants < 1kg, circulating blood volume (mL) is calculated as Weight (kg) x 110

For infants 1 to 1.5 kg, and 3.0 to 5 kg, circulating blood volume is derived using the method of Rawlings et al regardless of growth status.

For infants 1.5 to 3.0 kg the calculator uses the method of Maertzdorf et al to determine the circulating blood volume according to the infant's growth status (SGA or not). Where growth status is not given we use the method of Rawlings et al.

For infants > 5kg, circulating blood volume (mL) is calculated as Weight (kg) x 64.


This calculator determines how much sugar (in mg/kg/min) an infant is receiving (ie the Glucose Infusion rate)

Enter the infant's weight, then specify the various inputs:

  • dextrose percentage and flow rate for one or two infusions
  • type of milk and hourly milk volumes
  • added carbohydrate (if any) in grams per 100 ml of milk.
  • Assumptions:
    Breast milk sugar content 7.1 g / 100 ml
    Term formula sugar content 7.1 g / 100 ml
    Pre-term formula sugar content 8.5 g / 100 ml

    NOTE: Any newborn requiring a glucose load of 10 mg/kg/minute to maintain normoglycaemia should be investigated for hyperinsulinism.


    No reference information


    Algorithm not available for this calculator


    Input the child's weight (in kg) and the target daily mL/kg.



    • Volumes less than 20 mL are rounded to the nearest 0.1 mL.
    • Volumes 20 mL to 50 mL are rounded to the nearest 1 mL.
    • Volumes greater than 50 mL are rounded to the nearest 5 mL.


    References not applicable


    Input the infant's birth weight (in grams) and the current weight.



    • Percentage weight loss rounded to one decimal place


    References not applicable


    Calculate effective FiO2 via low flow nasal oxygen: Input weight (kg), respiratory rate, the flow rate and the percentage O2 at the blender.


    FiO2 = ((F × (B - 21) / 100) + (0.21 × R × W × 5.5)) / (R × W × 0.055)

    The equation has four variables: weight in kg (W) , respiratory rate (R), gasflow (F) and percentage of oxygen in the gas (B). We have modified Neil Finer's formula to allow for the use of an O2 blender. A tidal volume of 5.5mL/kg is assumed.

    In the special cases where the gas flow (F) is greater than the infant�s minute ventilation (V), where V = R × W × 5.5, F is replaced with V in the main formula.


    Finer et al. Low flow oxygen delivery via nasal cannula to neonates. Pediatr Pulmonol 1996;21(1):48-51


    Use this calculator to calculate the risk of an infant with congenital diaphragmatic hernia either requiring ECMO or of dying without ECMO use. Simply input the 1 and 5 minute Apgar scores, and the highest and lowest recorded pCO2 in the first 24 hours.

    Valid for infants greater than 32 weeks GA, birth weight greater than 1800 grams, and without other major anomalies or co-morbidities.

    Note that this calculator has not been prospectively validated and should not be used to guide individual patient care.


    This formula was developed and validated by The Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Study Group. J Pediatr Surg. 2018 Oct;53(10):1890-1895


    ECMO Probability = (e X) /(1 + e X) where X = -2.0191 + (-0.1407*A) + (-0.1939*B) + (0.0313*C) +(0.0303*D)

    A is one minute Apgar, B is 5 minute Apgar, C is highest pCO2, D is lowest pCO2.


    Use this calculator to calculate the Oxygenation Index Simply input the mean airway pressure, the current FIO2 (as a percentage) and the post-ductal paO2.

    Oxygenation Index greater than 30 may indicate consideration of ECMO.


    Hallman M, Merritt A, Jarvenpaa A-L, et al. Exogenous human surfactant for treatment of severe respiratory distress syndrome: a randomized prospective clinical trial. J Pediatr 1985; 106:963- 969


    Oxygenation Index = (MAP * FiO2)/ PaO2

    The formula when PaO2 units are kPA is Oxygenation Index = (MAP * FiO2)/ (PaO2*7.5)


    Enter the cabin altitude. Enter FiO2 required by the infant at sea level (optional - default is 21).

    Barometric pressure is given in mmHg or kPa.

    Gas expansion ratio at this altitude is calculated.

    FiO2 required to maintain PaO2 at altitude (based on that required at sea-level) is calculated.


    The Barometric Formula
    P(h) = 760 × e-Mgh/RT
    The barometric pressure at altitude h (in metres) is calculated from the Barometric Formula as above. Sea level pressure is estimated at 760 mmHg, and a sea level temperature of 290 Kelvin (15 oC) is assumed.

    M = the molar mass of the gas expressed in kg/mole = 0.0288
    g = the acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
    R = the gas constant = 8.3145 J/molK
    T = temperature, Kelvin (see below)

    Boyle's Law
    P1V1 = P2V2
    The initial barometric pressure multiplied by the initial volume of gas equals the final barometric pressure multiplied by the final volume of gas.

    Oxygen Adjustment Equation
    Fa = F0 × (760-47) / (P(h) - 47)
    The FiO2 required at any altitude is calaculated from the sea-level FiO2 requirement multiplied by the sea-level barometric pressure and divided by the baraometric pressure at the given altitude. A pressure adjustment for the partial pressure of water at body temperature is included.

    Temperature at altitude
    Temperature is assumed to be 290 Kelvin (15 oC) at sea-level, and to drop by 6.6 Kelvin for every 1,000m (3,281ft) of additional altitude.


    Guidelines for Air & Ground Transport of Neonatal & Pediatric Patients. AAP 1999



    See reference for full details

    Input terms:

    1. Steroids: select "yes" if full OR partial
    2. Hypertension: BP > 140/90 after 20 weeks
    3. Chorioamnionitis: clinical disease only

    Outcome terms:

    1. Chronic Lung Disease: O2 at 36 weeks PMA
    2. NEC: Bell 2 or 3
    3. Short-term Composite: Death or IVH (3/4) or PVL
    4. DQ: Kyoto Scale at 36 months
    5. Long-term Composite: Death after NICU discharge or cerebral palsy or DQ <70

    Note that medium term outcomes (3-years) were calculated among NICU survivors. The probability of these outcomes is based on the assumption that an infant survives to NICU discharge.


    Ushida T, Moriyama Y, Nakatochi M, Kobayashi Y, Imai K, Nakano-Kobayashi T, Nakamura N, Hayakawa M, Kajiyama H, Kotani T; Neonatal Research Network of Japan.

    Antenatal prediction models for short- and medium-term outcomes in preterm infants.

    Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021;100:1089-1096.


    Based on a prospectively studied cohort of 31000 premature infants.

    See Reference for Algorithm Details


    Use this calculator to estimate the long-term survival probability for diaphragmatic hernia. Simply input the birth weight (in kg) and 5 minute Apgar score.

    Note that this calculator is more suitable for estimating survival probability across a population of at-risk infants rather than for any individual for whom risk will be modified by other readily appreciated clinical factors.


    This formula was developed and validated by The Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Study Group J Pediatr Surg. 2001 Jan;36(1):141-5


    Survival Probability = 1 - 1/(1 + e -X) where -X = -5.0240 + 0.9165 W + 0.4512 A

    W is birth weight in kg, and A is 5 minute Apgar.


    Enter the infant's length in centimetres

    Calculates optimal insertion length for lines inserted via great saphenous at the medial malleolus

    You must confirm the postion of the long line after using this calculator


    1. Ohki Y, Nako Y, Morikawa A, Maruyama K, Koizumi T. Percutaneous central venous catheterization via the great saphenous vein in neonates. Acta Paedritrica Japonica 1997;39:312-316
    2. Odaibo F, Fajardo CA, Cronin C. Recovery of intralipid from lumbar puncture after migration of saphenous venous catheter. Arch Dis Child 1992;67:1201-3
    3. Nowlen TT, Rosenthal GL, Johnson GL, Tom DJ, Vargo TA. Pericardial effusion and tamponade in infants with central catheters. Pediatrics 2002;110:137-42


    Results in this calculator are derived from the following formulae (all lengths in cm):

    Minimum insertion length (targetting L3) = (infant length * 0.44) - 0.3

    Maximum insertion length (targetting T9) = (infant length * 0.55) - 0.4


    This calculator is only accurate when using ventilators with a constant flow of gases.

    When using for example the Draeger Babylog 8000 in High Frequency mode, the gas flow will vary with MAP, frequency and amplitude. In that case a specialised injection system such as the Inovent (which will vary the flow of NO as the flow of ventilator gas changes) will remove the need to use this calculation.

    NO delivery via paediatric and adult ventilators also usually needs to be via specialised injection systems.

    Use of the calculator does not mean that analysers do not need to be used, as leaks in the delivery system can occur causing changes in dosage. The NO level measured by the analyser should coincide with the dose set as calculated above. Any major discrepancy must be investigated immediately and its cause rectified.


    No reference information


    NO Flow Rate = V x D / C

    The equation has four variables: NO Flow Rate (F) , Ventilator Flow Rate (V), Prescribed NO Dose (D) and Nitric Oxide Cylinder Concentration (C).


    Preparation instructions for a variety of dextrose solutions.

    Select the desired final dextrose concentration.

    Choose the required solution volume.


    No reference information


    No algorithm information


    Calculate an approximation of mean airway pressure:

    Input PIP, PEEP, rate and i-time.


    MAP = ((rate × i-time / 60) × (PIP - PEEP) + PEEP)


    References not available


    This calculator uses the Siggaard-Anderson equation to calculate the Base Excess (negative results represent a base deficit)

    Input the pH and HCO3 (mmol/L).


    Base Excess = 0.9287*(HCO3 -24.4 + 14.83 *(pH-7.4))


    Siggaard-Andersen 0. An acid-base chart for arterial blood with normal and pathophysiological reference areas. Scan J Clin Lab Invest 1971;27:239-245


    This checklist is provided as a sample of a checklist to improve safety and performance of INSURE procedure.

    INSURE: Intubation - Surfactant - Extubation in newborn requiring intubation for administration of surfactant and then extubation without a period of mechanical ventilation.


    Provided as an example of a simple checklist.

    Local variations will be required to reflect team composition, equipment variations, and preferred medications.


    Based on "Development & Testing of a Neonatal Intubation Checklist for an Air Medical Transport Team" Davidson et al. Air Med J 2018

    Gawande, A. (2011). The checklist manifesto. Profile Books.


    From ANZCOR 2021.

    Select the estimated newborn weight


    ANZCOR Guidelines Section 13: Neonatal Guidelines.

    Australian Resuscitation Council


    Adrenaline via UVC or IV: 10 - 30 micrograms/kg

    Adrenaline via ETT: 50 - 100 micrograms/kg


    When you know the Gestation at Birth but need to calculate the corrected gestaional age


    Calculates days since birth, and adds this elapsed time to the gestational age at birth.

    Until 40 weeks, results are expressed as weeks and days from conception

    Beyond 40 weeks, results are expressed as Term plus months, weeks and days

    Postnatal age (days since birth) counts the birth day as zero, the following day as one day and so on.

    EDD is the calculated date at which CGA is 40 weeks


    No reference information


    When the Estimated Due Date is known this tool calculates gestation at birth

    and the current gestational age


    Given the EDD, calculates corrected Gestational Age

    With DOB, the gestation at birth is also calculated


    No reference information



    1. Apgar Timer (mm:ss)

    2. Appropriate saturations targets as per ANZCOR Guidelines, and consistent with North American & European Guidelines

    3. Aid for maintaining appropriate rhythm and rate of chest compressions and ventilation

    Why another Apgar Clock?

    It's about reducing the cognitive load at newborn resuscitation.

    Direct and timely presentation of the appropriate target saturations.

    Chest compressions / ventilation timing and co-ordination also are a challenge - clinicians can call out the rhythm but often have to break that rhythm to talk about other resuscitation concerns

    And the recommended rate is faster than many sim participants appreciate


    1. ANZCOR Guidelines Section 13: Neonatal Guidelines. Australian Resuscitation Council
    2. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021 Resuscitation 161:291-326
    3. Neonatal Resuscitation 2020 AHA Guidelines Pediatrics Jan 2021
    4. Dawson JA, Kamlin CO, Vento M, Wong C, Cole TJ, Donath SM, Davis PG, Morley CJ. Defining the reference range for oxygen saturation for infants after birth. Pediatrics. 2010 Jun;125(6):e1340-7


    Saturation Targets:

    See reference for full details

    Saturation Targets at age in minutes

    • 1 minute: 60-70%
    • 2 minutes: 65-85%
    • 3 minutes: 70-90%
    • 4 minute: 75-90%
    • 5 minutes: 80-90%
    • 6 - 10 minutes: 85-90%
    • Beyond 10 minutes we have specified 90-95%

    CPR Tempo:

    3 Compressions to 1 Breathe

    90 Compressions & 30 Breathes per minute


    Simply input the bilirubin value and units.

    The calculator will output the corresponding value in the alternate units.



    To convert a bilirubin value from micromol/L to mg/dL: divide value by 17.1

    The inverse operation will convert mg/dL to micromol/L


    Simply input the glucose value and units.

    The calculator will output the corresponding value in the alternate units.



    To convert a glucose value from mmol/L to mg/dL: multiply value by 18

    The inverse operation will convert mg/dL to mmol/L


    Simply input the pressure value and units.

    The calculator will output the corresponding value in the alternate units.



    To convert a pressure value from kPa to mmHg: multiply value by 7.501

    The inverse operation will convert mmHg to kPa


    Select the conversion required, and input the starting values

    The calculator will output the corresponding value in the alternate units.

    Ounces are rounded to the nearest ounce.


    Wikipedia Where we learn that an ounce of gold weighs more than an ounce of butter!


    To convert grams to ounces: multiply value by 0.035274

    The inverse operation will convert ounces to grams


    Version 2.021

    Nicutools is a comprehensive suite of calculators and tools designed for neonatal care professionals.

    © 2024 Nicutools. All rights reserved.

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